Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lyrics to "Stick That Butt Up Your Ass"


Here are the full lyrics:

So we're driving in my truck
its a really nice Prius
on my way to Chris' house
cause he really wants to see us
I'm moving through the traffic
like a real pro, but at the red light
I ease up to a Hummer, what a bummer, whoa
its blocks out the sun
and it says I don't give a s***
but that's good
cause it makes me feel good about myself
and what do you know
down comes the tinted
like a door to the sanctum
like a church
like the Sistene Chapel
and god's arm, she's poised, curved and ready, comes out and meets the sun
then in slo-mo, I see a little flick
the butt arcs in the light like a comet and it lands on the hood of my hippy love
the light turns green and I'm eating her dust
and I just burn.


I really can't fathom such casual arrogance
and disregard for others when you toss
that butt. I'm walking in the building through a pack
of dogs. I'm looking at the ground.
I'm looking in the trash. I'm looking at
the little turds on the ground. Hey, why stop there?
Just hike up the skirt, drop your trou. Take a crap in the
street, take a dump on the sidewalk.
Who gives a f*&^?
We won't be around when this place goes down.


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