Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ultimate Coaches and Players Conference: Presenters and Seminar Topics Announcement

Tiina and I are very excited to release the list of presenters and seminar topics for the Ultimate Coaches and Players Conference! Please go to the UCPC Home Page (www.buda.org/ucpc) and click on the "Presenters" link. We feel this is a top notch group of people and we are very excited by the diverse and informative topics that we have to offer. I want to take a moment to thank everyone that submitted proposals. We really appreciate all the interest.

There is also some preliminary logistics info to check out, so please come by the website for all the updates.

Tiina and I will both be down at the UPA Club Championships, so, if you are down there, please take a moment to stop either of us if you want to talk about the UCPC.

We will be releasing registration information at the beginning of December, so stay tuned.


jtflynn said...

will there be any access to video/audio of any of the presentations? i am interested in hearing more than a few of them but can't justify flying from Oregon to Boston to talk disc. :)


gcooke said...


We are going to see if we can offer some kind of documentation, but we have not addressed the details as of yet.


Mackey said...


The UCPC is a great idea, and I'm definitely excited to see if I can't make it come January.

I could easily see this swelling to very impressive size in the span of a couple years, given the lack of any such event in ultimate currently and the range of interesting material you've got lined up for the inaugural year (and will in all likelihood only improve upon in coming years).

Good luck to you and Tiina as you continue to organize and run the event.
